A View From the Upper Deck
Mark Willard

Well, another season is over.  Didn’t quite end the way we all wanted it to, did it?  Far too often, that’s the way things go in this life.  If everything was perfect, we wouldn’t be able to fully appreciate the good things that come our way.  A little adversity from time to time helps us to understand how good we really have it, even if we don’t realize it at the time.   Now that the Thanksgiving season is upon us, I thought I’d take a little time to give some thanks, Gorilla style.

First off, let’s be thankful for some of the people we have enjoyed as Gorillas for the past few years, which unfortunately won’t be with us next year. 

Thank you Aaron McConnell.  For the past 4 years, you have brought much more to the PSU family than just your incredible athletic talents.  Your love for the game, and your pride and enthusiasm in being a Gorilla have been inspirational.  I know all your Gorilla Family wish you only the greatest success in your future playing career.  No doubt, good things still lie ahead for you.

Thank you Levi Neville.   I only wish it hadn’t been such a short year for you; sometimes the fates can be unkind.  After all you have gone through these past few years with injuries, you deserved better.  Rest easy, knowing you gave it everything you had, and then some.

Thank you Josh Lawson.  Local boy makes good, then changes direction and makes even better.  Already a starting linebacker, you made the switch to the D-line when asked, and things just came together for that unit, arguably the anchor of this year’s squad.

Thank you Mark Stephen.  Another guy changing positions for the greater good of the team.  The past couple of years, and this year in particular, you really showed us what you had.  Of course, a lot of us already knew you could do it; we were just waiting for you to have your turn to shine.  Great job making the best of it when it came.

Thank you Terek Wilson.  Man, every time the opposition would throw that out route, or screen, the entire stadium would hold it’s breath, knowing that a game changing play was possible.   How many teams can boast of a linebacker with that kind of game changing speed?  Sure made Saturday afternoons at Carnie worth the price of admission.

Thank you Aaron Bell.  Playing WR at PSU can be a tough, seemingly thankless job at times.  You block.  You block again.  Then, you block some more.  Not exactly what most receivers’ dream of at night, but the type of thing that generates success more for the team, not the individual.  I think that’s more what Aaron Bell was about, the team.  Always it seemed to be you that was first to congratulate a teammate, or pick one up after they experienced tough times.

Thank you Tyronne Armstrong.   The big man in the middle, that paved the way.  I wouldn’t be surprised to see this guy playing on Sundays either. 

Thank you Jess Smith.  Undersized, and under-appreciated by most.  Gotta be honest with everyone, probably my favorite player in the program for the past few years.  It’s all about the desire, not the numbers on the program.  Playing big is always better than being big, and that’s what Jess did.  Another Gorilla that had the misfortune of spending too much time on the sidelines due to injury.

Thank you BJ Butler, Calvin Mitchell, Mike Rose; The Nathans, Blasi and Harrison.  Thank you Adam Meier, John Peterson, BJ Pruitt, Courtney Taylor, and Joe Rybnick.  Guys that didn’t always get the press, or appear in the spotlight, but were so vital to the successes of the Gorillas.  Thank you Josh Shay, I really wish we had gotten to see you play one more time.

And on to the guys that we’ll get to see again.

Thank you Neal Philpot.  People who know me know that I haven’t always been your biggest fan, but you changed my mind this year.  All the accolades you received are justified; you are a physical force out there.  But more importantly, the leadership and maturity you showed this year was beyond value.  I think this year brought us the evolution of a great athlete, into a great leader.  Only greater things await you next year.

Thank you Germaine Race, and Jermaine Carpenter.  You brought a level of excitement and anticipation to the offense that hasn’t been seen in several years.  What a great feeling it is to have guys come in and make an immediate impact the way the two of you did.  Next year will undoubtedly see you take it to another level.

Thank you Andy Majors.  How valuable is a guy like this that can play so many positions, and play them so well?  Consummate team player, always willing to do whatever helps the Gorillas.  Too many times you see a player like this stagnating on the sidelines, because of a player like Neal Philpot playing in front of him.  I’m just thankful the coaches found so many ways to get Andy involved in the game.

Thank you Joe Taylor.  Talk about unselfish; I’m beginning to think Joe invented the term.  Down the depth chart a few spots last year, Joe came on late in the season and showed the league what he is capable of.  Most players in his position, coming into this year as the “featured” back, wouldn’t have selflessly shifted over to assume the blocking role in the backfield.  Joe did, and did it at the highest level.  Without a word.  Just another guy doing his job.

Thank you to all the other members of the team, far, far too numerous for me to list here.  If I tried, I know I’d leave someone out, and that would not do justice to these guys.  They are all “stars” to us fans; they do what most of us only dream about.  You guys are the real “Unsung Heroes” of Gorilla Football.  You work your tails off all week on the Scout Team, getting beaten and bruised by guys like Aaron McConnell and Neal Philpot, and maybe, just maybe – you get a few plays on Saturday afternoon as your reward.  Even when you don’t you still go back out there the next week, and strive to make the Gorillas better as a team.  Your time will come.

Thank you to the coaches, from Chuck Broyles all the way down to the GA’s.  You guys work long hours, and get little thanks.  You have to put up with almost constant criticism from the fans, some of it is justified, but most of it isn’t.  How many of us in our jobs have every single decision and detail scrutinized to the point of absurdity?    Personally, I think I’d probably go ballistic on anybody that treated me that way, but that’s why you guys are the professionals, and I for one am glad you’re on our side.

Thank you to the fans.  You guys get it all going on Saturdays, and throughout the year.  A lot of you I know as friends, others I’ve met a few times, and the rest are familiar faces in a sea of Crimson and Gold each week.  We don’t always agree, but a little squabbling is all part of being a family.  The Gorilla Family.  Our common cause, our unifying spirit, our “reason to be” is our love for Pittsburg State University and the Gorillas. 

It’s been a great year, and I’ve really enjoyed the opportunity to share my thoughts with all of you each week.  You are all far too kind with your praise and support, and far to lenient when I make mistakes.   A big thanks to Wayne Gilmore for allowing me to do this column each and every week.  

It’s been a great year, though it ended far sooner than any of us would have liked.  We’re Gorillas; we have an awesome past, and an even brighter future.  Remember the 5 phases of the game:  Offense, defense, special teams, coaches, and fans.  When we get all 5 working together, towards the same goals, we can achieve anything.  Disagree, argue, question authority; but remember one thing:  When the Gorillas win, we all win.  When the Gorillas lose, we all lose.  Stand together, and let’s all win.

Have a great Thanksgiving all, and don’t forget there are more great teams at PSU than just the football team.  Hope to see many of you out at The Weede this winter.